8. The history Extension

The history extension was created to ease the construction and maintenance of temporal tables; that is tables which track the state of another table over time. It can be installed and removed in the standard manner:


It is a relocatable, pure SQL extension which therefore requires no external libraries or compilation, and consists entirely of user-callable functions.

8.1. Setup

To create a history table corresponding to an existing table, first set up your base tables as normal. The examples in this section will be using the following table definitions:

CREATE TABLE departments (
    dept_id         char(4) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    name            varchar(100) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE employees (
    emp_id          integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    name            varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    dob             date NOT NULL,
    dept_id         char(4) NOT NULL REFERENCES departments(dept_id),
    is_manager      boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
    salary          numeric(8) NOT NULL CHECK (salary >= 0)

COMMENT ON TABLE employees IS 'The set of people currently employed by the company';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.emp_id     IS 'The unique identifier of the employee';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.name       IS 'The full name of the employee';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.dob        IS 'The date of birth of the employee';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.dept_id    IS 'The department the employee belongs to';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.is_manager IS 'True if the employee manages others';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.salary     IS 'The base annual salary of the employee in US dollars';

GRANT SELECT ON employees TO dir_web_intf;

Then, use the create_history_table() function like so:

db=# select create_history_table('employees', 'day');

(1 row)

The procedure will create a new table called employees_history (you can specify a different name with one of the overloaded variants of the procedure). The new table will have a structure equivalent to executing the following statements:

CREATE TABLE employees_history (
    effective       date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,
    expiry          date NOT NULL DEFAULT '9999-12-31'::date,
    emp_id          integer NOT NULL,
    name            varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    dob             date NOT NULL,
    dept            char(4) NOT NULL,
    is_manager      boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
    salary          numeric(8) NOT NULL CHECK (salary >= 0)

    PRIMARY KEY (emp_id, effective),
    UNIQUE (emp_id, expiry),
    CHECK (effective <= expiry)

CREATE INDEX employees_history_ix2 ON
    employees_history (effective, expiry);

COMMENT ON TABLE employees_history IS 'History table which tracks the content of @public.employees';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.effective  IS 'The date/timestamp from which this row was present in the source table';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.expiry     IS 'The date/timestamp until which this row was present in the source table (rows with 9999-12-31 currently exist in the source table)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.emp_id     IS 'The unique identifier of the employee';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.name       IS 'The full name of the employee';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.dob        IS 'The date of birth of the employee';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.dept       IS 'The department the employee belongs to';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.is_manager IS 'True if the employee manages others';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees_history.salary     IS 'The base annual salary of the employee in US dollars';

GRANT SELECT ON employees_history TO dir_manager;
GRANT SELECT ON employees_history TO dir_web_intf;

INSERT INTO employees_history
    (emp_id, name, dob, dept, is_manager, salary)
    SELECT emp_id, name, dob, dept, is_manager, salary
    FROM employees;

The structure of the new table is the same as the old with the following differences:

  • Two columns, effective and expiry have been inserted at the front of the table.
  • These two columns have the type date (this is partially derived from the 'day' resolution parameter which will be explained further below)
  • All NOT NULL constraints have been copied to the new table.
  • All CHECK and EXCLUDE constraints are copied but for reasons explored below, FOREIGN KEY constraints are not copied.
  • The primary key of the new table is the same as the old table with the addition of the new effective column.
  • An additional unique constraint has been created which is equivalent to the primary key but with the expiry column instead.
  • An additional CHECK constraint has been created to ensure that effective is always less than or equal to expiry.
  • An additional index is created covering just effective and expiry for performance purposes.
  • All column comments from the base table are copied to the history table, and appropriate comments are set for the table itself (referencing the base table), and for the new effective and expiry columns.
  • SELECT authorizations for the base table are copied to the history table. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE authorizations are not copied for reasons explained below.
  • Finally, data is copied from the original table into the new history table. The defaults of the excluded effective and expiry columns will set those fields appropriately during this operation.

This completes the first step in creating a functional history table. The reason that FOREIGN KEY constraints are excluded from duplication on the history table is that there is no good way to enforce them upon history rows. Consider the scenario where an employee used to be a member of a department which is removed. The history table must represent that the employee used to belong to this department, but the parent row no longer exists in the departments table.

Even if we also applied a history to the departments table, a simple equality lookup (which is all that foreign keys support) is insufficient to find the parent row; as demonstrated in the Querying section below an, inequality is required.

The second, and final, step is to create the triggers that link the base table to the history table. This is performed separately for reasons that will be explained below. The procedure to create these triggers is called as follows:

db=# select create_history_triggers('employees', 'day');

(1 row)

This creates four triggers (and their corresponding functions):

  • employees_insert which is triggered upon INSERT operations against the employees table, which inserts new rows into employees_history.
  • employees_update which is triggered upon UPDATE operations against the employees table. This expires the current history row (by changing its date from 9999-12-31 to yesterday’s date), and inserts a new one with the newly updated values (which will have an effective date of today, and an expiry date of 9999-12-31).
  • employees_delete which is triggered upon DELETE operations against the employees table. This simply expires the current history row as detailed above.
  • employees_truncate which is triggered upon TRUNCATE operations against the employees table. This expires all current history rows as detailed above.
  • employees_keychg which is triggered upon UPDATE of key columns in the employees table. This simply raises an exception; i.e. updates of the primary key columns are not permitted in tables which have their history tracked (to update the primary key columns you must DELETE the row and re-INSERT it with the new key).

The trigger functions are defined as SECURITY DEFINER. Combined with the exclusion of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and TRUNCATE authorizations (see action list above) this ensures that the only way (regular) users can update the history table is via the trigger responding to manipulations of the base table.

If you have existing history records that you wish to load into the history table, this should be done before the creation of history triggers. See below for more information on the structure and behaviour of the history table.

8.1.1. Resolution

The last parameter when creating both the table and triggers is the resolution to use in the resulting structures. So far, we have used 'day' but any of the following resolutions are valid:

  • 'microsecond'
  • 'millisecond'
  • 'second'
  • 'minute'
  • 'hour'
  • 'day'
  • 'week'
  • 'month'
  • 'quarter'
  • 'year'
  • 'decade'
  • 'century'
  • 'millennium'

The resolution affects how many changes are kept in the history table. With the 'day' resolution, only the final state of a record in a given day will be stored in the history table. For example, if a row is inserted into the base table, it will also appear in the history table:

db=# insert into departments values ('SR01', 'Slate Rock and Gravel dept 01');
db=# insert into employees values (1, 'Fred Flintstone', '1960-07-05', 'SR01', false, 10000.0);
db=# select * from employees_history;
 effective  |   expiry   | emp_id |      name       |    dob     | dept_id | is_manager | salary
 2015-04-23 | 9999-12-31 |      1 | Fred Flintstone | 1960-07-05 | SR01    | f          |  10000
(1 row)

Now, if we update the row (on the same day that we inserted it), the history row is also updated:

db=# update employees set salary = 20000.0 where emp_id = 1;
db=# select * from employees_history;
 effective  |   expiry   | emp_id |      name       |    dob     | dept_id | is_manager | salary
 2015-04-23 | 9999-12-31 |      1 | Fred Flintstone | 1960-07-05 | SR01    | f          |  20000
(1 row)

Finally, if we delete the row (again, on the same day), the history row is removed. In each case, the history table is showing the final state of the row on the given day:

db=# delete from employees where emp_id = 1;
db=# select * from employees_history ;
 effective | expiry | emp_id | name | dob | dept_id | is_manager | salary
(0 rows)

However, if we insert the row again, then “cheat” and tweak the history table so it appears as if it were inserted yesterday (we can do this because we are the table owner but ordinary users would not have the necessary UPDATE privilege), a subsequent UPDATE of the row will expire the old history row and insert a new one:

db=# insert into employees values (1, 'Fred Flintstone', '1960-07-05', 'SR01', false, 10000.0);
db=# update employees_history set effective = effective - interval '1 day' where emp_id = 1;
db=# update employees set salary = 20000.0 where emp_id = 1;
db=# select * from employees_history;
 effective  |   expiry   | emp_id |      name       |    dob     | dept_id | is_manager | salary
 2015-04-22 | 2015-04-22 |      1 | Fred Flintstone | 1960-07-05 | SR01    | f          |  10000
 2015-04-23 | 9999-12-31 |      1 | Fred Flintstone | 1960-07-05 | SR01    | f          |  20000
(2 rows)

Usually the first reaction of users of the history framework is “I’ll just use microsecond resolution because I want to keep all changes”. I would caution against this for several reasons:

  • Firstly, there is no guarantee that all changes will be kept (although at the time of writing the author has never seen a setup that was capable of making two separate changes to the same record within the same microsecond, so this is a rather theoretical objection).
  • Secondly, this implies that someone is attempting to use the extension as an auditing solution. For reasons discussed in the Design section below, this is not a good idea.

If you are not attempting to build an auditing setup, consider carefully whether you really need every single change. As an example, in one case the author is aware of a company kept a record of every change to its employees table. After a few years, the employees history table was over 6 million rows long and caused significant performance problems in joins.

An analysis of the history table showed that over 90% of the rows had effective ranges lasting less than a minute; the result of people making changes, then correcting mistakes, or just making many changes as individual transactions.

For most data analysis or business intelligence purposes that the author has been engaged in, day or sometimes even week resolution has proved sufficient for all analytical purposes.

Finally, an offset can also be applied to all timestamp calculations undertaken by the history triggers. This facility was primarily designed for dealing with sources which significantly delay the delivery of their data, but for which a history with accurate dates is still desired. See the API documentation for the create_history_triggers() function for further information.

8.1.2. Limitations

It is worth noting that there are a few limitations on which tables can be used as the basis for a history table:

  • Base tables must have a primary key.
  • The primary key of a base table must be immutable (you may have noticed that this will be enforced through the keychg trigger above).

It is still possible to update the primary key of a base table with a history table but it must be done via a DELETE and INSERT operation rather than UPDATE (this is how such an operation would be represented by the history in either case, hence why this restriction is enforced).

8.2. Querying

The structure of the history table can be understood as follows:

  • For each row that currently exists in the base table, an equivalent row will exist in the history table with the expiry date set to 9999-12-31 (i.e. in the future because it is an extant row).
  • For each row that historically existed in the base table, an equivalent row will exist in the history table with the effective and expiry dates indicating the range of dates between which that row existed in the base table.

Therefore, to query the state of the base table at date 2014-01-01 we can simply use the following query:

SELECT emp_id, name, dob, dept, is_manager, salary
FROM employees_history
WHERE '2014-01-01' BETWEEN effective AND expiry;

In general, to retrieve the state of a base table at a given timestamp from a history table, one uses a query of this format:

SELECT fields, of, the, base, table
FROM history_table
WHERE required_timestamp BETWEEN effective AND expiry;

If you have a join to the base table, you can join to the history table in the same way: just include the criteria above to select the state of the table at a particular time. For example, assume there exists a table which tracks any bonuses awarded to employees. We can calculate the amount that the company has spent on bonuses like so:

CREATE TABLE bonuses (
    emp_id          integer NOT NULL,
    awarded_on      date NOT NULL,
    bonus_percent   numeric(4, 1) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (emp_id, awarded_on),
    CHECK (bonus_percent BETWEEN 0 AND 100)

    extract(year from b.awarded_on)         AS year,
    sum(e.salary * (b.bonus_percent / 100)) AS annual_bonus_spend
    employees_history e
    JOIN bonuses
        ON e.emp_id = b.emp_id
        AND b.awarded_on BETWEEN e.effective AND e.expiry
    extract(year from b.awarded_on);

It should be noted that the design of the bonuses table in the example above demonstrates an alternative structure for storage of temporal data. This, and a few other designs will be discussed in the Design section below.

While it is easy to query the state of the base table at a given timestamp, it is harder to see how one could query changes within the history. For example, which employees have received a salary increase? Usually for this, it is necessary to self-join the history table so that one can see before and after states for changes. Creation of such views is automated with the create_history_changes() function. We can simply execute:

db=# select create_history_changes('employees_history');

(1 row)

This will create a view named employees_changes with the following attributes:

  • The first column will be named changed and will contain the timestamp of the change that occurred.
  • The second column will be named change and will contain the string INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE indicating which operation was performed.
  • The remaining columns are defined as follows: for each column in the base table there will be two columns in the view, prefixed with “old_” and “new_”

In our example above, the view would be defined with the following SQL:

CREATE VIEW employees_changes AS
        new.effective, old.expiry + '1 day'::interval) AS changed,
        WHEN old.emp_id IS NULL AND new.emp_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'INSERT'
        WHEN old.emp_id IS NOT NULL AND new.emp_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'UPDATE'
        WHEN old.emp_id IS NOT NULL AND new.emp_id IS NULL THEN 'DELETE'
        ELSE 'ERROR'
    END AS change,
    old.emp_id AS old_emp_id,
    new.emp_id AS new_emp_id,
    old.name AS old_name,
    new.name AS new_name,
    old.dob AS old_dob,
    new.dob AS new_dob,
    old.dept AS old_dept,
    new.dept AS new_dept,
    old.is_manager AS old_is_manager,
    new.is_manager AS new_is_manager,
    old.salary AS old_salary,
    new.salary AS new_salary
    SELECT *
    FROM employees_history
    WHERE employees_history.expiry < '9999-12-31'
    ) AS old
    FULL JOIN employees_history AS new
        ON (new.effective - interval '1 day'::interval) BETWEEN old.effective AND old.expiry
        AND old.emp_id = new.emp_id;

With this view it is now a simple matter to determine which employees have received a salary increase:

db=# select new_emp_id, new_name, old_salary, new_salary
db-# from employees_changes where change = 'UPDATE' and new_salary > old_salary;
 new_emp_id |    new_name     | old_salary | new_salary
          1 | Fred Flintstone |      10000 |      20000
(1 row)

Or we can find out who joined and who left during the last year:

db=# select coalesce(old_emp_id, new_emp_id) as emp_id, coalesce(old_name, new_name) as name
db-# from employees_changes where change in ('INSERT', 'DELETE') and changed >= current_date - interval '1 year';
 emp_id |      name
      1 | Fred Flintstone
(1 row)

Another common use case of history tables is to see the changes in data over time via regular snapshots. This is also easily accomplished with the create_history_snapshots() function which takes the history table and a resolution (which must be greater than the history table’s resolution). For example, to view the employees table as a series of monthly snapshots:

db=# select create_history_snapshots('employees_history', 'month');

(1 row)

This is equivalent to executing the following SQL:

CREATE VIEW employees_by_month AS
    SELECT min(employees_history.effective) AS min
    FROM employees_history


    SELECT range.at + interval '1 month'
    FROM range
    WHERE range.at + interval '1 month' <= current_date
    date_trunc('month', r.at) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day' AS snapshot,
    range r
    JOIN employees_history h
        ON r.at BETWEEN h.effective AND h.expiry;

The resulting view has the same structure as the base table, but with one extra column at the start: snapshot which in the case above will contain a date running from the lowest date in the history to the current date in monthly increments. If we wished for an employee head-count by month we could simply use the following query:

db=# select snapshot, count(*) as head_count
db-# from employees_by_month
db-# group by snapshot;
      snapshot       | head_count
 2015-04-30 00:00:00 |          1
(1 row)

Or we could find out the employee headcount and salary costs broken down by month and managerial status:

    count(*) AS head_count,
    sum(salary) AS salary_costs
FROM employees_by_month
GROUP BY snapshot, is_manager;

Note that because this view relies on a recursive CTE its performance may suffer with large date ranges. In such cases you may wish to materialise the view and index relevant columns.

8.3. Maintenance

For the most part, the history table should maintain itself. The same goes for any changes or snapshots views which you create (the latter automatically uses the minimum effective date in the underlying history table, and today’s current date as its range).

However, there are circumstances under which it is necessary to perform manual maintenance of the history structures which are detailed in the sections below.

8.3.1. Structural Changes

You may find yourself needing to change the structure of the base table feeding the history table. Naturally, this is more complicated than simply altering a regular table. The first thing to determine is whether the modification you wish to make is capable of being made in a way that does not damage the history.

For example, if you are adding a column, the history table may also need that column added in which case you will either need to make the column nullable or come up with some suitable default (similar to adding a column to any non-empty table). The procedure is as follows:

  1. Destroy the existing history triggers
  2. Alter the base table
  3. Alter the history table
  4. Re-creating the history triggers

Thankfully, PostgreSQL supports transactional DDL which means we can accomplish all this in a single transaction with inconsistent states invisible to other active transactions, as demonstrated below:

db=# begin;
db=# select drop_history_triggers('employees');

(1 row)

db=# alter table employees add column full_time boolean default true not null;
db=# alter table employees_history add column full_time boolean default true not null;
db=# select create_history_triggers('employees', 'day');

(1 row)

db=# commit;

Note that the history table need not have all the attributes of the base table. This is specifically to support the use-case where certain attributes of the base table should not be tracked (in this case one can create the history table with create_history_table(), drop certain attributes from the newly created table with ALTER TABLE and then create the triggers). However, all primary key columns from the base table must exist in the history table.

Removing a column is a similar process, provided it’s not a key column. Remember that history triggers require a primary key on the base table and that the history tables also require that key plus the effective column. Therefore, unless you are sure that removing a key column leaves a unique key sufficient to identify each row in the base and history tables (when combined with the effective date), you cannot remove it.

Altering columns is also a similar process: just remember to alter the history table in the same way as the base table in between destroying and recreating the triggers.

8.3.2. Archiving

In the case that you wish to make an alteration to the base table that cannot also be made in the history table, you may wish to store the current history table as an archive, then create a new one starting from the current point in time. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Destroy the history triggers
  2. Alter the base table
  3. Expire all rows in the history table (this requires calculating the prior date or timestamp for the selected resolution)
  4. Rename the history table
  5. Create a new history table (remember that this will copy data from the base table)
  6. Recreate the history triggers

For example, consider the case where we want to store employee’s salary in local currency instead of US dollars. Firstly this will entail adding a field to store the currency, and then updating all the salaries accordingly. Let us assume that we do not have a historical record of currency exchange rates and thus the decision is made to leave the current history as US dollars and start a new history.

db=# begin;
db=# select drop_history_triggers('employees');

(1 row)

db=# create table currencies (cur_id char(3) not null primary key, usd_to_lcl decimal(12, 4) not null);
db=# insert into currencies values ('USD', 1.0), ('GBP', 0.66), ('EUR', 0.92), ('CNY', 6.20), ('JPY', 119.47);
db=# alter table employees add cur_id char(3) default 'EUR' not null references currencies (cur_id);
db=# update employees e set salary = salary * usd_to_lcl from currencies c where e.cur_id = c.cur_id;
db=# update employees_history set expiry = current_date - interval '1 day' where expiry = '9999-12-31';
db=# alter table employees_history rename to employees_history_old;
db=# alter index employees_history_pkey rename to employees_history_old_pkey;
db=# alter index employees_history_ix1 rename to employees_history_old_ix1;
db=# alter index employees_history_ix2 rename to employees_history_old_ix2;
db=# select create_history_table('employees', 'day');

(1 row)

db=# select create_history_triggers('employees', 'day');

(1 row)

db=# commit;

Obviously this requires users querying the history to bridge the discontinuity themselves (for example, by unioning compatible transforms or subsets of the two histories). You may wish to provide a convenience view in such cases.

The same process can be used in the case you simply wish to archive the existing history for performance reasons. Obviously in this case you would not alter the base table, but it would still be necessary to disable and re-create the history triggers.

Finally, in certain rare circumstances you may find that you need to alter the content of the history without affecting the base table. In this case you can simply disable the existing triggers, make your alterations and re-enable them. However, you must be extremely careful to ensure that you do not create overlapping history ranges, or contradict the current state of the base table (by affecting rows with expiry date 9999-12-31).

For example, to double all the historical salaries (without affecting current ones):

db=# begin;
db=# alter table employees disable trigger all;
db=# update employees_history set salary = salary * 2.0 where expiry < '9999-12-31';
db=# alter table employees enable trigger all;
db=# commit;

8.4. Design

This section discusses the various ways in which one can represent temporal data and attempts to justify the design that this particular extension uses. The first naïve attempts to track the history of a table typically look like this (assuming the structure of the employees table from the usage section above):

CREATE TABLE employees (
    changed         date NOT NULL,
    emp_id          integer NOT NULL,
    name            varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    dob             date NOT NULL,
    dept            char(4) NOT NULL,
    is_manager      boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
    salary          numeric(8) NOT NULL CHECK (salary >= 0),

    PRIMARY KEY (changed, emp_id)

Now let’s place some sample data in here; the addition of three employees sometime in 2007:

    ('2007-07-06', 1, 'Tom',   '1976-01-01', 'D001', false, 40000),
    ('2007-07-07', 2, 'Dick',  '1980-03-31', 'D001', true,  80000),
    ('2007-07-01', 3, 'Harry', '1977-12-25', 'D002', false, 35000);

Now later in 2007, Harry gets a promotion to manager, and Dick changes his name to Richard:

    ('2007-10-01', 3, 'Harry',   '1977-12-25', 'D002', true, 70000),
    ('2007-10-01', 2, 'Richard', '1980-03-31', 'D001', true, 80000);

At this point we can see that the table is tracking the history of the employees, and we can write relatively simple queries to answer questions about the data. For example, when did Harry get his promotion?

SELECT min(changed)
FROM employees
WHERE emp_id = 3
AND salary = 80000;

However, other questions are more difficult to answer with this structure. What was Harry’s salary immediately before his promotion?

SELECT salary
FROM employees e1
WHERE emp_id = 3
AND changed = (
    SELECT max(changed)
    FROM employees e2
    WHERE e1.emp_id = e2.emp_id
    AND e2.salary <> 80000

Furthermore, some questions are impossible to answer because one particular operation is not represented in this structure: deletion. Because there’s no specific representation for deletion we can’t tell the difference between an update and a deletion followed by later re-insertion (with the same key).

This is why two dates are required in the history table (or more precisely a date or timestamp range). Alternatively we could do something similar to the view produced by create_history_snapshots() and place a copy of all the data in the table for every single day that passes. That way the absence of a key on a given day would indicate deletion. Obviously this method is extremely wasteful of space, and thus very slow in practice.

Another alternative, similar to the view produced by create_history_changes() is to add another field indicating the change that occurred, e.g.:

CREATE TABLE employees (
    changed         date NOT NULL,
    change          char(6) NOT NULL,
    emp_id          integer NOT NULL,
    name            varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    dob             date NOT NULL,
    dept            char(4) NOT NULL,
    is_manager      boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
    salary          numeric(8) NOT NULL CHECK (salary >= 0),

    PRIMARY KEY (changed, emp_id),
    CHECK (change IN ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'))

Note that without the duplication of fields for before and after values, this makes the structure more space efficient but actually makes querying it very difficult for certain questions. Furthermore, it’s quite difficult to transform this structure into the date-range structure required to answer the question “what did the table look like at time X?”.

Hopefully the above exploration of alternate structures has convinced you that the simplest, most flexible, and most space efficient representation of temporal data is the date-range structure used by the functions in this extension. It is worth noting that in all implementations of temporal data storage that the author is aware of (DB2’s time travel queries, Teradata’s T-SQL2 implementation, and Oracle’s flashback queries) date ranges are used in the underlying storage.

The following sections summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the design of this particular temporal data implementation.

8.4.1. Advantages

  • Simplicity: because the base table is not altered in any way, no operations against that table need to change. Nor do any views that rely on that table, or any APIs that reference it.
  • Security: as a separate table is used to store the history, and that table is not directly manipulable by users, the history can be “trusted” to a greater degree than a system which relies upon a single table or one in which the users can directly manipulate the history table.
  • Performance and space: the date-range representation of temporal data is minimal compared to other designs, although not perfectly minimal (see next section).
  • Performance and space: this system provides a wide variety of resolutions for the history table and triggers. In the case that every single update does not need to be kept (and generally this is not a requirement for many reporting databases) this permits one to keep a minimal history to maintain performance.

The above qualities make this extension useful for data science and business intelligence purposes, especially where data gathering is a long term exercise. It can also be used for general purpose temporal data storage, although it does not provide all the facilities provided by the aforementioned implementations bundled with the major commercial engines.

8.4.2. Disadvantages

  • Performance: naturally all operations against the base table will take longer with the triggers and history table in place (simply because more work is being done for each operation). Furthermore, performance degradation will gradually increase the larger the history table gets (as each operation will involve a lookup in a larger and larger index). Administrators are encouraged to keep an eye on operational performance over time and implement archiving when necessary.
  • Space: the history table is not a perfectly minimal representation of the history. Certain combinations of operations, in particular removing and inserting the same set of rows from the base table repeatedly, result in an extremely bloated history table (containing many contiguous rows representing the same state). Furthermore, it can be argued that the current row in the history table is a redundant duplicate of the equivalent row in the base table, which also wastes space. Whilst this is true, the alternative (performing a union of the base and history tables each time a temporal query is required) introduces considerable complexity.

This particular extension is unsuitable for creating audit mechanisms. Firstly it does not keep track of which user made which inserts or updates. Secondly, even if such functionality were added to the base table there would be no way of representing who performed a deletion (as there’s no row in the history table representing deletions; they are represented by a shortened effective range). Thirdly, and crucially for an audit system, it provides no means of storing details of operations that failed.

8.5. API

history.create_history_table(source_schema, source_table, dest_schema, dest_table, dest_tbspace, resolution)
history.create_history_table(source_table, dest_table, dest_tbspace, resolution)
history.create_history_table(source_table, dest_table, resolution)
history.create_history_table(source_table, resolution)
  • source_schema – The schema containing the base table. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • source_table – The table to use as a basis for the history table.
  • dest_schema – The schema that the history table is to be created in. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • dest_table – The name of the history table. Defaults to the name of the source table with the suffix _history if omitted.
  • dest_tbspace – The tablespace in which to create the history table. Defaults to the tablespace of the source table if omitted.
  • resolution – The resolution of the history that is to be stored, e.g. ‘day’, ‘microsecond’, ‘hour’, ‘week’, etc.
history.create_history_triggers(source_schema, source_table, dest_schema, dest_table, resolution, offset)
history.create_history_triggers(source_table, dest_table, resolution, offset)
history.create_history_triggers(source_table, resolution, offset)
history.create_history_triggers(source_table, resolution)
  • source_schema – The schema containing the base table. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • source_table – The table to use as a basis for the history table.
  • dest_schema – The schema that the history table is to be created in. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • dest_table – The name of the history table. Defaults to the name of the source table with the suffix _history if omitted.
  • resolution – The resolution of the history that is to be stored, e.g. ‘day’, ‘microsecond’, ‘hour’, ‘week’, etc.
  • offset – An interval which specifies an offset to apply to all timestamps recorded in the history table. Defaults to no offset if omitted.
history.drop_history_triggers(source_schema, source_table)
  • source_schema – The schema containing the base table. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • source_table – The table to use as a basis for the history table.
history.create_history_changes(source_schema, source_table, dest_schema, dest_view)
history.create_history_changes(source_table, dest_view)
  • source_schema – The schema containing the history table. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • source_table – The history table on which to base the changes view.
  • dest_schema – The schema in which to create the changes view. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • dest_view – The name of the new changes view. Defaults to the history table’s name with _history replaced with _changes.
history.create_history_snapshots(source_schema, source_table, dest_schema, dest_view, resolution)
history.create_history_snapshots(source_table, dest_view, resolution)
history.create_history_snapshots(source_table, resolution)
  • source_schema – The schema containing the history table. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • source_table – The history table on which to base the snapshots view.
  • dest_schema – The schema in which to create the snapshots view. Defaults to the current schema if omitted.
  • dest_view – The name of the new snapshots view. Defaults to the history table’s name with _history replaced with _by_ and the resolution.
  • resolution – The resolution of the snapshots to be generated in the view. This must be longer than the resolution of the history table.